Simple things you can do to make studying feel easier

It’s the start of a new school year. This usually comes with shiny new pens, fresh notebooks and renewed hope and optimism. But I recently heard someone say: “I can’t believe it’s already the end of January . . . so much has happened. I feel tired.” Can you relate? A lot has been happening […]

The Art of Working Like a Sprinter

How often is your work interrupted by notifications or distracting thoughts that you find hard to ignore? In our modern world, overwhelm and distraction threaten to constantly derail us. As artist Austin Kleon states in his book Keep Going: “Your attention is one of the most valuable things you possess, which is why everyone wants […]

Create lasting change without new year’s resolutions

I’m sensing a lot of cynicism and resignation about new year’s resolutions. And look, I get it. I can understand why new year’s resolutions have become so unpopular. It’s frustrating to vow to make a change only to find that you’ve fallen off the bandwagon a few days later. I’ve been there. I know how […]

My favourite books of the year: Best reads of 2024

Just in time for the holidays, I’m sharing my favourite books from this year. As someone who loves to read, I always look for great books to add to my shelves and the growing pile of books next to my bed. Over the past year, I’ve stumbled upon some amazing books that I’m excited to […]