How to feel less time pressured

Do you ever feel like you’re running at full speed down a mountain?
This is what my life used to feel like.
I was always in a rush.
Always cutting it fine.
Often running late.
I was late for class.
Late for dinner at friends’ houses.
Late for meetings.
In my world, being late was the norm. It was perfectly acceptable to drag your feet and rock up an hour late to an event.
So, I had […]

Developing Razor Sharp Focus with Zen Habits Blogger, Leo Babauta

Update March 2018: Since writing this post, I have discovered many other strategies to help stay focused. I’ve compiled the strategies in a simple eBook called 70 ways to minimise distractions and focus better. You can download your free copy here.

How to stay focused and on task (without deleting Facebook)

Update: Since writing this post, I’ve create a free eBook called 70 ways to minimise distractions and focus better. You can download your free copy here.

The Facebook group […]