Fueling your mind for great energy and results

My mind is like my car. Some days I fill it up with the right fuel, keep it organised and drive it below the speed limit. But once in a while, I drive it around in a rush, get flashed by a multinova, can’t be bothered filling it up with petrol and mess begins to accumulate inside.
When I’m not being a responsible driver and/or looking after my car, life never seems to work as well. Similarly, when I’m not […]

The secret ingredient of achieving your goals

I’m not a fan of Kentucky fried chicken but I admire the man behind all that greasy chicken. Colonel Sanders was a master goal setter and never lost sight of his vision.
harland sandersThey say the Colonel was 65 years old when he received his first pension cheque in the mail. He took one look at it, saw that it was for $105 and felt angry. He had to come up with a way of earning some […]

3 Simple Ways to Stress Less

My high school chemistry teacher once said to me with a serious look on his face ‘Miss Genovese, if you’re not careful you’ll have a stress induced heart attack’. I was 16 at the time and thought relaxation was for lazy people who spent their lives meditating in caves in far away places.
As a teenager feeling stressed out was the norm for me, which was a problem. On several occasions my mind would go blank in test situations and […]

Motivating the Unmotivated

motivatedAt the beginning of every school year, I would tell myself “This year is going to be different. Assignments in on time, great marks, participating in lots of activities and to top it off, I’m going to be more organised” For a short time, I would feel motivated with a positive outlook, but it wasn’t long before the work started to pile up, the average marks started rolling in and I’d be thinking “I’m so tired […]