Getting Things Done: My 3 Day Challenge

For years I have battled with mountains of clutter in my office and bedroom. I have been labeled ‘a mess maker’. Typical time management and organisational strategies (i.e. writing lists and prioritising) have never really worked for me (no matter how hard I have tried and believe me, I have tried hard!).
In some ways I think I was secretly proud of the fact that I was messy. After all, who would want to be clean and super organised? Wasn’t […]

Providing a new perspective on student life: girls, exams and bombings

The last few days I have been struggling to work on my honours thesis in order to complete my final year of university. The thought of reading journal articles and writing has felt like hard work.
Then this evening, I saw an eye opening documentary on SBS called ‘The Boys from Baghdad High’ (Produced/Directed: Ivan O’Mahoney and Laura Winter). Watching this beautifully made documentary put everything into perspective.
‘Girls, exams […]

Being Optimistic about Pessimism

When was the last time someone told you to cheer up or look on the bright side? Did these words irritate you? Being told to cheer up is probably the last things you want to hear when you are feeling down. And according to some psychologists, it may even make you feel worse.
First of all, you feel bad about the thing […]

Here are 5 ways to stay focused on your work

focusIt’s school holiday time. This means a break from running school workshops, but a pile of journal articles to read, an essay to write and an ethics application form to fill in.
Even though I give talks on study skills, I’m no different from any other student. With friends on facebook and msn, I struggle to stay focused and concentrate on the work that needs to be done.
Often it seems so much easier to ignore […]