5 ways to motivate yourself to study a boring subject and/or complete a project

Update (January 2018): I have since written a number of other articles on strategies to help motivate yourself to study boring subjects. Check out this article on 10 ways to boost your motivation.

How do I motivate myself to study? is one question I am constantly asked by students.
Having […]

Adjusting to Eye Loss Mind Map

Mind maps are a brilliant way to help you organise information on just about any topic. This became clear to me last year when I was asked to create a mind map for ocularists, Paul and Jenny Geelen.
‘What is an ocularist?’ I hear you ask. Well, ocularists create artificial eyes for people. As you can imagine, when someone goes to an ocularist they are likely to be feeling pretty overwhelmed and distressed. As studies have found, the amount of […]