Simple things you can do to make studying feel easier
It’s the start of a new school year. This usually comes with shiny new pens, fresh notebooks and renewed hope and optimism. But I recently heard someone say: “I can’t believe it’s already the end of January . . . so much has happened. I feel tired.” Can you relate? A lot has been happening […]
The GAP and the GAIN: The secret to feeling happy, confident and successful
Adult colouring books were all the rage a few years ago. For many people, colouring in is a great way to reduce stress and calm the frenzied mind. But as much as I love coloured pens, pencils and crayons, I’m not keen on colouring in. Instead of decreasing my stress levels, it has the opposite […]
Success rarely comes to the lazy: Career and life advice from Waleed Aly
I learnt from a young age that success rarely comes to the lazy. Most things in life require hard work. So it was refreshing to read the recently published book Waleed Aly on sincerity, compassion and integrity. It took me less than 30 minutes to read this little book. But there was no buyer’s remorse. […]
The Importance of Being Kind
Do you ever feel like you can’t face the day? Like everything feels too hard? And you can’t do it? If so, I get it. I’ve been there (many times). What I’ve found really helps when I’m feeling down is a little self care. And this usually involves taking some time out, being kind to […]