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Dr Jane Genovese makes the latest research on learning, productivity and healthy living accessible to students, parents and teachers.
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Creating Momentum is a teacher-led program that provides a new approach to working and studying.
This healthier approach will help students to learn more effectively and leave them feeling more confident, capable, and in control.
Jane has created mind maps on a range of topics.
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I’m sensing a lot of cynicism and resignation about new year’s resolutions.
And look, I get it. I can understand why new year’s resolutions have become so unpopular.
It’s frustrating to vow to make a change only to find that you’ve fallen off the bandwagon a few days later.
I’ve been there. I know how dispiriting it can be.
But what if I told you there was a process you could follow that could help you change your behaviour in any area that is important to you?
There is a process. It’s called Behavior Design.
The process takes me about 20-30 minutes (from start to finish).
It’s not a quick fix, but it works.
In my experience, Behavior Design is way more effective than the stock standard strategies you hear about, such as manifesting, vision boards, SMART goals, accountability buddies, etc.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing those things. But used on their own, these strategies often set us up to fail.
Behavior Design is different.
This system allows you to “become your own soul’s doctor” (a phrase used by Stoic philosopher Epictetus). Basically, you quit chasing gurus and the latest trends. By following the process, you take control of your life and move yourself in the direction of a flourishing life.
I learnt about Behavior Design from Stanford University Professor BJ Fogg.
Last year, I participated in his online program, Design for Behavior Change, and I’ve been using his system ever since.
What is Behavior Design?
Behavior Design is a systematic process that helps you to change your behaviour and design for behaviour change. What I love about Behavior Design is it doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to behaviour change. By using this process, you can pinpoint the behaviours that are the right fit for you.
The foundation of Behavior Design is the Fogg Behavior Model (B = MAP).
This model explains all human behaviour. According to the Fogg Behavior Model, if you want a behaviour to happen, you need three things to occur all at the same time:
- Motivation: you need to be sufficiently motivated to do the behaviour
- Ability: you need to be able to do the behaviour
- A prompt: you need to be reminded to engage in the behaviour
If any one of these components is missing, the behaviour won’t happen.
The Behavior Design process takes all of these components into account.
Here are the steps involved in Behavior Design (i.e., designing for behaviour change):
- Get clear on the aspiration (i.e., the goal or outcome)
- Magic wand potential behaviours
- Make the behaviours crispy
- Behaviour match to pinpoint your Golden Behaviours (Focus Mapping)
- Make it easier
- Set up a prompt
- Implement (and tweak)
If you just switched off when you saw that long list of steps or read the word ‘Magic wand’, I don’t blame you. It’s a lot. But please, stay with me.
Behavior Design is straightforward (no magic is involved here). Unlike new year’s resolutions, which we tend to set, forget, and abandon, Behavior Design delivers results.
I’m going to walk you through each of these steps for an aspiration of mine that I set for the new year: To build strength (muscle).
Let’s go!
Step 1. Clarify the Aspiration
The first step is to get clear on your aspiration (i.e., the goal or outcome).
What do you want to achieve?
Don’t worry about making it a SMART goal. Your aspiration can be vague and abstract.
Here’s one of my aspirations for the new year:
To build strength (muscle).
When I think about building strength, the outcome I want to achieve is training consistently (three weight lifting sessions per week).
I’m not setting a goal to “get a six-pack.” Ugh. Extrinsic goals like this never leave me feeling fulfilled or motivated for long. In contrast, the idea of being someone who trains consistently and is strong and healthy does excite me.
Step 2. Magic Wanding (Brainstorm Behaviours)
After clarifying your aspiration, you need to think about the concrete behaviours that will help you achieve it.
This is the crucial step we often miss. Too many people stop at setting vague goals when it comes to changing their behaviour, which is their ultimate downfall.
As BJ Fogg says, when we try to motivate ourselves towards an abstraction, this rarely works.
So, here I am, saying I want to build strength to become a ferociously sturdy lady. This is a great idea, but how will I do it?
According to Behavior Design, I need to focus on the concrete behaviours (i.e., the things I can do right now or at a specific point in time) that will help build muscle.
In this step, you imagine you have magical powers and you can get yourself to engage in any behaviour.
The playful Professor Fogg even recommends purchasing a magic wand, waving it, and asking yourself:
“If I could wave a magic wand and get myself to do any behaviour to achieve this aspiration, what would it be?”
After waving my homemade magic wand in the air (made out of a thin stick and electrical tape), I asked myself:
“If I could get myself to engage in any behaviour to build strength, what would it be?”
I wrote down each behaviour on an index card.
Here are some of the behaviours I brainstormed:
- Find a personal trainer and pay for five sessions
- Bookmark basic Peloton strength classes on my phone
- Join a gym
- Do five push-ups
- Do five squats
- Use resistance bands to walk down the hall
- Do five overhead presses with dumbbells
- Do 10 bench presses with dumbbells
- Create a pinup board of strength training ideas with dumbbells
- Find a friend to train with
- Buy kettlebells
- Find personal trainers on YouTube
- Get out books from the library on strength training
- Write a letter to my future self about strength training
- Talk to friends who strength train and ask for ideas on routines
- Explore Reddit forums on strength training
- Purchase heavier dumbbells (12kg)
- Buy $1000 worth of gym equipment
- Punch boxing bag 10 times
- Watch the Strong Woman documentary series
BJ Fogg writes in his book Tiny Habits:
“You are not making any decisions or commitments in this step. You are exploring your options. The more behaviors you list, the better. You can tap into your creativity or maybe ask friends for their ideas.”
If you’re struggling to come up with behaviours, you can also use generative AI to help you brainstorm. But there is power in generating your own ideas away from a screen (my advice is to try to do this on your own or with a friend before turning to AI).
Step 3. Crispify Target Behaviours
Take each of the behaviours you’ve brainstormed and make them crispy. By crispy, BJ Fogg means specific.
For example, ‘Punch boxing bag 10 times (jab, cross)’ is a crispy behaviour compared to ‘Do boxing workout’.
Step 4. Behaviour Match to Pinpoint Golden Behaviours (Focus Mapping)
This is where the ‘magic’ happens. In this step, you determine the best behaviours to engage in. BJ Fogg calls these your ‘Golden Behaviours’.
You’ll need a large, clear surface to do this and some index cards (four in total). Each of your crispy behaviours will also need to be written out on index cards.
Fogg breaks this stage down into two rounds.
Here’s what you do in Round 1 . . .
Write down ‘High Impact Behaviour’ and ‘Low Impact Behaviour’ on two index cards. Place the ‘High Impact Behaviour’ card at the top and the ‘Low Impact Behaviour’ at the bottom.
Pick up one of your crispy behaviours (written on a card) and ask:
“How effective is this behaviour in helping me to achieve my aspiration?”
Place it along the vertical continuum. If a behaviour is highly effective in moving you towards achieving your aspiration (e.g., it will have a high impact in helping me to build strength), place it closer to the top. If a behaviour isn’t very effective in moving you towards your goal, put it closer to the bottom.
For example, watching a documentary on women weightlifting may be inspiring and enjoyable, but it won’t help me build strength. For this reason, I placed this card at the bottom of the continuum. But doing five squats regularly would be highly effective at helping me achieve greater leg strength, so I placed this card at the top.
Do this with all your crispy behaviours. The table will get messy, but that’s okay. Trust the process and keep putting your cards down.
That’s Round 1 complete. Now, for Round 2 . . .
Round 2 involves getting grounded in reality. You may have several high impact behaviours, but you may find you’re not motivated or able to do them. What you do next will weed out those behaviours.
Create two more cards: “Yes, I can get myself to do this!” and “No, I can’t get myself to do this.” Place them like so (see image below).
Now, we take each card and ask:
“Can I actually get myself to do this behaviour?”
Move the cards along the horizontal plane.
When I asked myself, “Can I get myself to buy $1000 worth of gym equipment?” my response was “Not a chance!”. Firstly, I don’t have the space for more gym equipment, and secondly, I can’t justify spending more money on gym equipment! I moved this card over to the far left.
Again, don’t overthink it. Move the cards quickly. Go with your gut.
Once you’ve moved all the cards, focus on the second top quadrant. What behaviours do you have in this location?
These are what BJ Fogg calls your ‘Golden Behaviours’.
These behaviours have three things in common:
- They are high-impact behaviours (i.e., they are effective in moving you towards your aspiration)
- You are motivated to do the behaviour
- You can do the behaviour
You want to channel your time, energy, and attention into engaging in these behaviours.
For example, once I had shuffled my cards around in the two rounds, my golden behaviours were:
- Use resistance bands to walk down the hall (20 steps)
- Create a pinup board of strength exercises
- Punch boxing bag 10 times
- Do 10 bench presses
- Do five squats
- Do five overhead presses
- Talk to friends who lift weights for ideas
- Bookmark beginner Peloton strength classes
BJ Fogg recommends selecting three to four Golden Behaviours to focus on. I can see why.
You have a limited amount of time, energy, and attention. Focusing on too many different behaviours for a specific area can be overwhelming. You run the risk of giving up before you even get started.
When I looked at my Golden Behaviours, I realised several behaviours could be combined into a basic workout routine, leaving me with the following four Golden Behaviours:
- Follow a workout program that includes my favourite strength exercises (two times per week)
- Create a pinup board of strength exercises
- Talk to friends who lift weights for ideas
- Bookmark beginner Peloton strength classes
This step of focus mapping was pleasantly surprising. It gave me insights and clarity about why I had felt stuck with my strength training for so long. Here’s what I realised:
- For some strange reason, I had got it in my head that I needed to hire a personal trainer. However, focus mapping made me realise I don’t want or need to hire a personal trainer (potentially saving me hundreds of dollars and travel time).
- I have enough exercise equipment at home. I don’t need to buy more expensive exercise equipment (saving me even more money!).
- The main thing stopping me from strength training was not having a routine or program that I liked. Figuring out what exercises to do every morning required mental effort, which I simply didn’t have. It felt overwhelming, so I skipped my strength workouts.
After I had pinpointed my golden behaviours, I immediately texted a friend who is a physiotherapist. I asked if he would help me develop a simple strength training routine. He said yes and started sending links to explore ideas. I was off and running (no pun intended).
Once you’ve completed step 4, you can stop and call it a day. However, there are three other major steps in Behaviour Design that are worth mentioning. If you’re keen to learn more about this fantastic process, keep reading.
Step 5. Make It Easier
When a behaviour is easy to do, it feels fun. You can do it quickly. This means you’re more likely to do it and do it again and again.
Instead of saying to myself, “Lift weights for 1 hour a day” and having no idea what exercises I’d be doing, I say, “Pick up dumbbells and do five overhead presses” or “Look at strength training routine and start with exercise 1”. It may not seem like much, but it’s a start. It’s also infinitely better than letting my dumbbells sit and collect dust.
If you want to learn more about making behaviours easier, I highly recommend checking out BJ Fogg’s book Tiny Habits (one of my favourite books).
Step 6. Establish a Prompt
A prompt is a trigger. It reminds you to engage in the desired behaviour. It says to your brain, “Pick up your dumbbells now!”.
The excellent news for me (and all of us) is we don’t have to hire a life coach or personal trainer to be prompted to take action. According to BJ Fogg, the best prompts are things you already do on a regular basis (i.e., pre-existing habits).
Think of behaviours like having breakfast, brushing your teeth, or having a shower. These are all excellent prompts that you can piggyback a new behaviour onto.
For instance, I have a pre-established habit of running on my treadmill every morning. Since I’m already in gym clothes, this is an ideal prompt for a quick strength training session. Here’s what I came up with:
After I finish running on my treadmill (prompt),
I will pick up my dumbbells and do five presses (new behaviour).
I can do more than five dumbbell presses, but I tell myself five is the minimum required to keep the habit alive.
Step 7. Implement (and Tweak)
Once you’ve found a place for your new desired behaviours in your daily routine, it’s time to get to work and test things out.
After engaging in a new behaviour, it’s super important to give yourself lots of positive reinforcement. Fogg calls this ‘celebration’. You can say to yourself, “Great work!” or clap your hands. You need to release positive emotions.
This may sound a bit cheesy and over-the-top, but do not skip this critical step. These positive emotions help to wire in the new behaviours as habits.
If a new behaviour isn’t working for you, that’s okay. Play around with it. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is there a prompt? (If not, establish a clear prompt)
- Can I make this behaviour easier? (Perhaps it’s too big? If so, make it smaller)
- Do I want to do this behaviour? (If not, choose a different behaviour you want to do)
For instance, after my morning run, I did a 15-minute strength session on the Peloton app using some resistance bands. Some exercises weren’t my cup of tea, so I tweaked the workout.
When it comes to behaviour change, don’t take yourself too seriously. You’ll do better and have more fun by approaching change with a playful mindset.
To Sum Up
Behavior Design allows you to be your own self-help guru. Rather than following generic advice, you get to develop your own tailored solutions, which is incredibly powerful.
The other powerful thing about Behavior Design is that you don’t have to psych yourself up to engage in your ‘Golden Behaviours’. You’ve selected behaviours you want to do, so very little motivation is required.
I understand that this may seem complicated, but trust me, this process is extremely practical.
Do yourself a favour: sit down and try following the steps involved in Behavior Design. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. And unlike new year’s resolutions, this process delivers lasting change.
Just in time for the holidays, I’m sharing my favourite books from this year.
As someone who loves to read, I always look for great books to add to my shelves and the growing pile of books next to my bed. Over the past year, I’ve stumbled upon some amazing books that I’m excited to share with you.
Whether you’re looking to enhance your thinking, organise your life, create new habits, or get absorbed in an inspiring story, this list has something for everyone.
Here are nine standout books from my 2024 reading list that are well worth your time.
Let me know which ones you’re excited to pick up—and don’t forget to share your recommendations with me. Let’s go!
1. The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul
“We use our brains entirely too much – to the detriment of our ability to think intelligently. What we need to do is think outside the brain.”
There’s an old assumption that thinking happens inside the brain. But this book blows that assumption apart. Annie Murphy Paul presents compelling research that shows there are many ways we can use the world around us to improve our ability to think, learn, and unleash creative ideas.
This book changed my behaviour in several ways:
- I started incorporating more movement into my day (using a treadmill desk and cycle desk)
- I started spending more time out in nature (e.g., going on hikes)
- I brought more nature into my home (more indoor plants)
- I became obsessed with getting things out of my head and writing things down on Post-it notes and whiteboards
- I purchased two large computer monitors for my workspace
- I started using my hands more to gesture as I learnt about new ideas
- I started running new webinars to teach others new ideas I was learning about
I’ve been able to “extend my intelligence” using my body, physical space, and relationships. If you’re curious about the science behind these behaviours, I recommend reading this book.
2. How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use by Randy Paterson
“Avoid all exercise”, “Maximise screen time”, and “Can’t afford it? Get it anyway”.
These are just three of the 40 behaviours and habits psychologist Dr Randy Paterson encourages us to engage in to guarantee a lifetime of misery.
This book takes advice we all need to hear, flips it, and presents it in a way that cuts through.
I was surprised by how motivating this book was. It made me want to move my body, stay off screens, and engage in self-care acts way more than your usual self-help book. It also helped that it was laugh-out-loud funny.
How to be Miserable was such a delight to read that I purchased Paterson’s other book for young adults (How to be Miserable in Your Twenties). Both books I highly recommend.
3. Everything in Its Place: The Power of Mise-En-Place to Organize Your Life, Work, and Mind by Dan Charnas
“A restaurant is a promise: walk in and we’ll be ready. Select anything on our menu and we’ll cook it for you quickly and well.”
Chefs can’t wing it. They need to be organised and have a plan. We can learn a lot about how to organise ourselves and manage our commitments from the culinary world.
This book outlines the philosophy and strategies of running a successful commercial kitchen and shows how to apply these ideas to navigate our lives with power and ease.
Dan Charnas discusses ideas such as slowing down to speed up, knolling, rearranging spaces to remove resistance and making first moves. As someone who loves cooking and being organised, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
4. Highway to Hell: Climate Change and Australia’s Future by Joëlle Gergis
“As Australia is the third-largest exporter of fossil fuels in the world, what we do over the next handful of years really, really matters. The time for standing on the sidelines has passed.”
Joelle Gergis is a climate scientist who gave up a prestigious academic position to sound the alarm on the climate emergency. In this Quarterly Essay, she lays out the latest climate science in a clear and compelling way and shows readers what is at stake if we continue business as usual (e.g., approving new fossil fuel projects).
This essay is a heavy but essential read for all Australians who want a liveable future.
5. Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier by Kevin Kelly
This book is a collection of nuggets of wisdom that Kevin Kelly wrote for his adult children. This is life advice he wishes he had known earlier.
At first glance, this looks like just another standard book of uplifting quotes. But don’t be mistaken. This is no ordinary book of quotes.
Kelly could have easily written entire waffly chapters on each quote, but I’m so glad he restrained himself. Each quote is small but mighty, providing plenty of food for thought and practical advice.
Here is a small selection of Kelly’s life advice that resonated with me:
“Be frugal in all things except in your passions. Select a few interests that you gleefully splurge on. In fact, be all-round thrifty so that you can splurge on your passions.”
“The best work ethic requires a good rest ethic.”
“We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in a decade. Miraculous things can be accomplished if you give it 10 years.”
6. The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt
The Australian government recently passed legislation to ban social media use by teenagers. Some have cited this book as the reason for the ban. If that’s true, I can certainly see why.
Social psychologist Dr Jonathan Haidt argues that we are overprotecting our children in the real world while underprotecting them online. This has led to disastrous consequences for young people’s mental health and development.
Before reading this book, I didn’t like social media companies and the manipulative strategies they use to hijack people’s time and attention. Over the years, I had read a lot of books outlining the harms of social media. What’s unique about this book is that Haidt presents a plan for cleaning up the mess these Big Tech companies have created and ensuring children develop in a healthy way.
Haidt’s plan involves keeping children off social media for as long as possible. Whether you’re a child or an adult, I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from some time away from these platforms. As Haidt succinctly puts it:
“The Anxious Generation is a book about how to reclaim human life for human beings in all generations.”
7. The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life by Robin Sharma
This book argues that we’ve been brainwashed to measure whether we are winning at life by the size of our possessions and the amount of money we have. However, according to author Robin Sharma, this definition of success is far too narrow and limiting.
Sharma expands the definition of wealth and what it means to “live abundantly and beautifully” by sharing other forms of wealth often overlooked by capitalist culture.
If we invested more time in personal growth, building connections and community, and cultivating good health, we would feel deeply alive rather than exhausted from the hedonic treadmill.
I’ll leave you with this quote that struck a chord with me (written in the chapter on Health):
“If you don’t feel good physically, mentally and spiritually, all the money, possessions and fame in the world mean nothing. Lose your wellness (which I pray you never will) and I promise you that you’ll spend the rest of your days trying to get it back.”
8. Grumpy Monkey by Suzanne Lang and Max Lang
This delightful children’s book starts with Jim Panzee waking up feeling grumpy.
“The sun was too bright, the sky was too blue, and the bananas were too sweet”.
Have you ever woken up feeling a little bit off?
This book is a fun way for everyone (not just little kids) to understand human emotions. It’s okay to be grumpy! It’s okay to wake up feeling a bit off. Allow yourself to experience these emotions. In time, they shall pass.
9. Out of the Blue: Everything this Wiggle Journey has Taught Me by Anthony Field with Greg Truman
One of my relatives is obsessed with The Wiggles (an Australian children’s performance group). After reading Anthony Field’s memoir (the Blue Wiggle), I finally understand all the fuss. The Wiggles are amazing!
Field’s memoir takes a deep dive into how the band started, how they managed to stay true to their values and mission, and the challenges they faced along the way.
Field is honest about his difficult time in school, media blunders, and his struggles with physical and mental health issues over the years. What can I say? Out of the Blue is a refreshing, wholesome read.
“I’ve been thrilled to become the major on-stage instrumentalist playing guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, bouzouki, and anything else a curious child might want to explore musically. It turns out that the maintenance of a child-like wonder about the world isn’t so hard to retain, even after you turn 60.”
To sum up
There you have it! Nine books that shifted my perspective and changed my behaviour in some way. Now, it’s over to you – what books helped to shape your year? Are there any you’d recommend?
I’d love to hear your recommendations.
Are you happy with how much time you spend on your phone?
When you feel slightly bored, do you feel a reflexive, gravitational pull to check your phone?
If you spend hours each day clicking, scrolling, and posting, I want you to know that it’s not your fault.
It’s not that your weak willed, lacking discipline, or a lazy person.
It’s none of these things.
It’s no mystery or secret why so many people waste so much time on social media. Like a poker machine, these platforms are designed to be highly addictive.
Apps like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube contain persuasive design features that hijack your most valuable and precious resources: your time, energy, and attention.
Why are these Big Tech companies in an arms race to capture and hold people’s attention?
Because the more time we spend on their apps, the more data they can extract and sell for social influence.
The business model of Big Tech companies is simple: Keep people glued to their platforms for as many hours a day as possible.
In other words, your time and attention equal massive profits for these companies.
In his excellent book The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Dr Jonathan Haidt presents data showing teens aged 13-18 spend an average of six to eight hours every day on social media apps. That’s close to 50 hours a week.
Dr Haidt notes that this is just the time spent on the app. It doesn’t factor in the time spent thinking about social media while they multitask in the real world.
So, that’s 50+ hours that could have been spent outside in nature, learning a language, working a part-time (or full-time) job, making art, cooking, exercising, getting more sleep, and hanging out with friends.
Let’s also not forget that these apps intervere with and harm our wellbeing and ability to think and learn.
The multi-tasking that takes place as we engage with these apps throughout the day drains our brainpower, weakens our memory, and makes us tense and anxious.
The social comparisons we engage in on these platforms also warps our perception of reality and leaves us feeling like we’re not enough.
So, here’s something to consider . . .
What if you could protect your time, energy and attention from social media companies?
It’s possible, and I’m going to show you how.
I recently discovered a simple tool that helps people stop mindlessly consuming social media and other addictive apps.
It’s an app called one sec.
one sec is a self-nudging tool that helps you to create barriers to Big Tech that align with your goals and values.
Here’s how it works:
As you open up an addictive app, one sec intervenes by creating a 10-second delay in opening the app.
one sec creates the little bit of friction needed to make you pause and reconsider your behaviour.
After the delay, one sec presents you with a choice: Do you want to proceed with opening up the target app (e.g., TikTok)? Or close the app and do something else?
The creators of one sec explain it works by utilising three intervention strategies:
- Creating friction (i.e., the time delay)
- Giving you the option to not proceed and close the target app
- Deliberate messaging
It’s important to highlight that you’re in control of the whole experience. You specify what apps you want one sec to target. You can also modify the time delay (making it shorter or longer) and change the deliberate messaging.
The question is, does this app work?
Or is it just another gimmicky product that fails to change your behaviour in a significant way?
I’ve been experimenting with this app for the last month, and I’m pleased to say it’s working for me!
Even though I don’t have social media and the wicked algorithms that come with them, I recently noticed that I was spending far too much time in group chats.
one sec has helped me be more intentional and deliberate with how I engage with these chat groups.
Instead of mindlessly checking these apps whenever I have time to kill, I now have dedicated periods when I engage with them. I’m following Dr Faye Begeti’s advice when she recommends in her book The Phone Fix to “Set a finite number of times for checking social media, condensing a large number of short checks into defined, longer ones.”
This is what one sec has helped me to do, and as a result, my focus and well-being have improved. I feel calmer. My days feel longer and less frenetic.
But I realise I’m a sample size of one. Plus, I’m highly motivated to reduce my time on addictive apps.
Is one sec effective in helping others to reduce their social media consumption?
The short answer is yes.
This research study found the app one sec helped people to significantly decrease their social media consumption.
In this study, 280 participants used the one sec app for a six-week period. Here’s what the researchers found:
36% of the time participants attempted to open a target app, they chose to close the app using one sec (i.e., they did not proceed with using the target app).
Over time, participants also opened the target apps less.
Opening problematic apps less or choosing to close problematic apps before engaging with them is actually a really big deal. Here’s why . . .
Less engagement with these addictive apps means less hits of dopamine.
Every quick and easy hit of dopamine you get from social media leads you to crave more stimulation from these apps. Before you know it, you’re in a full blown dopamine driven feedback loop.
Whenever I’m stuck in a dopamine loop, I’m not #livingmybestlife. Far from it! I feel overstimulated, chaotic, and jittery. Here’s why . . .
In his book How to Calm Your Mind, Chris Bailey explains that the brain networks for dopamine and calm are anti-correlated.
What does this mean?
It means when the dopamine network is activated, the calm network isn’t.
Imagine every time you mindlessly reach for your phone to check social media, you’re moving further and further away from a state of calm.
This may explain why participants in the one sec study reported experiencing increased satisfaction and happiness after decreasing their consumption of problematic apps.
Other one sec features worth exploring
The main intervention features (i.e., the time delay and option to not proceed with the target app) will help you decrease your consumption of addictive apps.
But there are many other features available with this app.
As you explore the additional features, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. There’s a lot of extra bells and whistles. For example, there is the “Don’t get lost” notifications (i.e., scheduled reminders to close the target app when you are using it) and website blocking.
But like a lot of things in life, more features don’t necessarily result in a better user experience.
Ultimately, I decided to follow BJ Fogg’s behaviour design principle of ‘Simplicity changes behaviour’. I stuck with using just the basic features of this app.
I knew if I overcomplicated the app, I probably wouldn’t use it.
All that being said, there were two additional features I incorporated:
1. Strict Block Feature
I use the strict block feature every day. To be clear, the strict block feature is not to be confused with the basic block feature. What’s the difference?
If you select a basic block, you’re not really blocking yourself from the app. But there’s a barrier in place. If you try to open the target app, it brings up the following message:
“Be honest with yourself. Do you really want to stop this block?”
Whereas a strict block is a genuine bona fide block. You cannot use your target apps until the block is over.
If you have developed a mindless habit of reaching for your phone and checking certain apps, you need a strict block in place until your brain has had a chance to recalibrate itself.
Here is the tiny habit I created to give my brain a chance to rewire to lower hit of dopamine from my smartphone:
After I pick up my phone in the morning, I will open one sec and press strict block for six hours.
Activating a strict block means I’m in charge for the first six hours of my day (and the addictive apps are not running the show). This sets the tone for the day and puts me in proactive mode rather than chasing quick hits of dopamine. It also helps me stay calm and grounded.
A word of warning:
Even when you feel like you have regained control over your target apps, you must remain vigilant. It’s super easy to get drawn back into a dopamine-driven feedback loop.
2. The Journal Prompt Feature
The journal prompt is simple and effective. Before accessing the target apps, I am prompted to write about what I have done and what I feel grateful for.
I write 25 words before proceeding to the target app. This gives me a moment to reflect, which is always a worthwhile practice.
Free alternatives to one sec
There is a free version of one sec you can use, but it limits you to applying one sec to only one target app.
If you have multiple addictive apps on your phone (as most of us do), I recommend the paid version to unlock all the features.
It costs $25AUD for the year, which is value for money if you ask me. The app has already paid for itself in terms of the time, energy, and attention I’ve reclaimed.
I should mention that I had trouble initially installing one sec and getting it to work on the target apps. The process was a little finicky, and I nearly gave up after 20 minutes of trying to figure out how to get the app to work.
You can find similar intervention apps that are free and easier to install, such as ScreenZen. ScreenZen appears to be based on similar mechanisms (i.e., introducing a time delay and friction to the target app).
My brother recently started using ScreenZen to help combat his mindless habit of scrolling through social media. When I asked for his thoughts on this self-nudging app, he said, “It’s annoying.” But then he quickly added, “But that’s the point. It’s annoying, and that’s why you use the apps less.”
Another great feature of ScreenZen is that after spending seven minutes on the target app, it puts a stopping mechanism in place by prompting you to think about if you want to keep using the app.
Final thoughts
I don’t think anyone consciously sets a goal to spend 20, 30, or 50+ hours a week on social media. But if you don’t have strategies to combat the addictive apps on your phone, one thing is certain: Big Tech companies will hijack your time, energy, and attention.
As Michael Harris states in his book The End of Absence:
“Never forget that you live in an ecosystem designed to disrupt you, and it will take you for a ride if you let it.”
So, don’t be taken for a ride. You can easily access self-nudging tools, such as one sec and ScreenZen, to help you defend your time, energy, and attention.
Think of the things you’ve always wanted to do but tell yourself, “I don’t have the time. I’m too busy”. What if you could reclaim a significant chunk of time to do those things today? Would it be worth taking a chance on a self-nudging app?
You’ve got nothing to lose except potentially $25.
I encourage you to test out one of these apps to protect your most precious resources (i.e., your time, energy, and attention).
Note: In case you’re wondering, I have not been paid or sponsored by one sec to write this article.