10 strategies to help you win the day

Sometimes life can feel messy and chaotic. The small things pile up. And those small things start to feel like big things. But you can’t let it overwhelm you. No matter what is going on in your life right now, you need strategies to help you get out of bed and get on with the […]

Tiny habits for building resilience

A lot of people are struggling at the moment. When many of us thought we’d be returning to a ‘normal’ existence this year, the reality has hit us hard: returning to ‘normal’ is not going to happen (at least not anytime soon). Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard some self-help gurus and influencers make […]

Simple things you can do to make studying feel easier

It’s the start of a new school year. With this usually comes shiny new pens, fresh notebooks and renewed hope and optimism. But this year feels a little different . . . Last week I heard someone say: “It’s only January but it feels like it’s the end of the year. I’m so over it.” […]

The Power of the Tiny Tidy

Is tidying and cleaning a form of procrastination? It certainly can be. If you’re spending hours of your day, dusting, picking up bits of fluff off the carpet and scrubbing floors, then yes. You’ve got a bad case of procrastacleaning. Put simply, you’re avoiding living. As professor (and expert on procrastination) Tim Pychyl says: “Procrastination […]