Quitting the habit of last minute cramming

Have you ever crammed for an exam or written an essay at the very last minute? Cramming can very easily become a bad habit. Let me explain. When you procrastinate and leave your work until the night before it’s due, adrenaline and motivation kicks in. This allows you to work with crazy energy and intense […]

Stop trolling yourself: How self compassion can help in hard times

Try to imagine the nastiest, most disgusting online troll that exists. Here’s what comes to mind . . . I see a middle aged man hunched over a keyboard. He’s wearing a freshly pressed shirt his mother has just ironed. His belly is spilling over his pants. He’s toxic. He’s a bully. He’s totally destructive. […]

Deactivate your amygdala to combat procrastination

Do you have trouble getting started with your work? Do you have a tendency to leave your work until the last minute? New research shows that your amygdala and emotions may be part of the problem. In a recently published study, Caroline Schluter and her colleagues at Ruhr University found that people who have a […]