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Teacher-Led Study Skills Sessions for Secondary Schools
Dr Jane has developed a cost effective way for secondary schools to deliver engaging and effective study skills sessions to students in their classrooms.
Schools can save thousands of dollars by delivering study skills training in-house and avoiding hiring expensive guest presenters.
How do the sessions work?
Teachers are provided with a script that they can follow and/or adapt to introduce the videos and facilitate break-out activities.
How long are the session?
Sessions run for approximately 45 minutes. This allows teachers to complete housekeeping and problem-solve potential issues within a 60 minute period.
What's included?
1. A script for staff to facilitate the session
2. Access to videos
3. Worksheets and handouts for students
4. A follow-up activity to reinforce key strategies
5. A short instructional video on how to run the session
6. Tech support
Teacher-Led Sessions Available for 2025
Purchase any two teacher-led sessions and get a third session free!
Success Habits: Small Changes that Lead to Big Results
In this session, students will learn how to create solid study habits in a way that feels fun, fast, and easy!
They will also learn how to set up their study space to support their habits and achieve their goals.
Suitable for students in years: 7 – 10
Exam Hacks: Learning How to Prepare for Exams
This session is designed for students who are taking exams for the first time or have limited experience or lack confidence preparing for exams.
In this session, students will learn how to avoid the trap of stressful last-minute cramming and stay calm under pressure.
Suitable for students in years: 9 – 12
Exam Hacks (Advanced): Boost Your Performance
It’s time to take your students’ exam performance to the next level.
In this session, students will learn how they can effectively prepare for their upcoming exams. These skills can be applied to all areas of life (not just exams!).
Suitable for students in years: 11 and 12
Memory Kick-Start: Supercharge Your Study
In this session, Dr Jane shares with students how they can memorise information in a way that is fun, fast, and effective!
Say goodbye to boring and ineffective ways of studying (e.g., rereading your books and notes and highlighting large chunks of information).
Suitable for students in years: 8 – 12
The Power of Sleep: The Ultimate Performance Enhancer
Research shows 7 out of 10 Australian teenagers are seriously sleep deprived. Students desperately need help and practical tips in this area!
In this session, students will learn how they can get more and better sleep to supercharge their focus, learning, and memory.
Suitable for students in years: 8 – 12
Getting Organised: From Chaos to Control
Students need help getting organised and staying focused on the task at hand.
In this session, students will learn how they can organise their study space and digital space to optimise learning and focus.
Suitable for students in years: 8 – 12
The Power of Goals and Habits: Harnessing Effective Strategies
In this session, students will learn how they can set their own path and create their own luck through using effective strategies.
Students will walk out of the session with an understanding of the importance of setting goals and how they can create habits and systems to achieve the things that are important to them.
Suitable for students in years: 9 – 12