The Micromovement Method: A fun way for busy people to get things done

I recently came across a great technique to help busy people get things done. In the book “Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper” bestselling author Sark presents the idea of working in “micro movements”. Whilst her book is aimed at people who want to write a book, you can use this technique to help you complete any […]

Improve Your Focus: Outsourcing Self Control

A few months ago I came across this picture that several friends had shared on Facebook (courtesy of Ruby Rose). Many people identified with this image making comments along the lines of – “So sad but TRUE!” Sites like Facebook, YouTube and Tumblr are incredibly addictive. Deep down we all know we should be working […]

Don’t strain your cerebral cortex: The importance of brain warm ups

My dad is 65 years old and he’s been running marathons for the last 4 years. Before a race he prepares himself mentally and physically by doing the following – Getting a good night sleep (8 hours) Having a healthy low GI breakfast Stretching his muscles with a 500 metre jog As a marathon runner […]

How to have an Awesome Day – The 10 Essential Elements

We’ve all heard the cliched phrases “You have good days and you have bad days” and “Some days are better than others”. What is it about those “good days” that makes them better than others? Are there any common elements that result in having a really good day at work, school or university? Whether you […]