Eating smart: How certain foods can boost your motivation and wellbeing

Here’s some food for thought . . . Have you ever considered that the food you eat could be affecting your motivation levels, wellbeing and ability to focus? I’ve been exploring the research in this area and I’ve got to say, the research is so compelling. It’s made me clean up my act. I’ve ditched […]

Brain Training in the Age of Digital Distractions

Scientific research indicates that the highest number of heart attacks occur on a Monday morning. This should come as no surprise to those of us who suffer from Mondayitis – the general feeling of distress experienced upon returning to the workplace on a Monday. Having worked for myself and been a student for most of […]

Gold Star Exercise Strategy

Do you remember the reward charts that you used to have in primary school – if you did something good, you’d get a gold star or smiley face stamp next to your name? When I was 8 years old my primary school participated in a state wide book reading challenge. For every book you read, […]

Experience a Brain Boost: Omega 3

Some of us love it. Some of us hate it – Fish. But no matter what you think of the stuff, one thing is certain – it is great from our brains. Yes, fish contains that magical ingredient – Omega 3. We’ve all heard of this fatty acid Omega 3 before, it’s now even being […]