My goal setting pep talk for students
Students often cringe when they hear two words: goal setting. I understand this cringe factor. In high school, goal setting felt forced. I’d think, “Why are they making me do this?” and “What’s the point?”. However, once I got to university, I realised that goals are a helpful life strategy. In this article, I want […]
Modern life is like a show bag: The need for limits and healthy digital habits
Your attention is your most precious and valuable resource. Where I live in Perth Western Australia, there’s an event that happens once a year that demands your attention like no other: The Royal Show. At this show, there are extreme rides, giant fluffy toys to be won, baby animals you can pat, and much, much […]
Overcoming the fear of using a diary (planner)
I often hear students say . . . “I don’t need to use a diary/planner. My memory is good!” Other students prefer to develop their own system. For example, a year 11 boy came up to me following a presentation and he held out his arms. They were covered in notes to self, strategies from […]
Quitting the habit of last minute cramming
Have you ever crammed for an exam or written an essay at the very last minute? Cramming can very easily become a bad habit. Let me explain. When you procrastinate and leave your work until the night before it’s due, adrenaline and motivation kicks in. This allows you to work with crazy energy and intense […]