Preparing the study mise en place

Do you ever find yourself watching cooking videos instead of cooking? I recently watched a video of Gordan Ramsey cooking a ‘curry in a hurry’ (a butter chicken dish). I was spellbound by the way Ramsey seamlessly cooked this dish. He was in flow and fully focused on the task of cooking the butter chicken. […]

Overcoming the fear of using a diary (planner)

I often hear students say . . . “I don’t need to use a diary/planner. My memory is good!” Other students prefer to develop their own system. For example, a year 11 boy came up to me following a presentation and he held out his arms. They were covered in notes to self, strategies from […]

From chaos to control: Refreshing life advice from year 7 students

A few months ago I asked 250 students in year 7 the following question: “What advice would you give students starting year 7 next year?” To put this in context, these students had just been through a period of massive disruption. Not only had they started at a new school, with new teachers and new […]

The Power of the Tiny Tidy

Is tidying and cleaning a form of procrastination? It certainly can be. If you’re spending hours of your day, dusting, picking up bits of fluff off the carpet and scrubbing floors, then yes. You’ve got a bad case of procrastacleaning. Put simply, you’re avoiding living. As professor (and expert on procrastination) Tim Pychyl says: “Procrastination […]