Experience a Brain Boost: Omega 3

Some of us love it. Some of us hate it – Fish. But no matter what you think of the stuff, one thing is certain – it is great from our brains.
Yes, fish contains that magical ingredient – Omega 3. We’ve all heard of this fatty acid Omega 3 before, it’s now even being added to foods such breads, […]

6 ways to create smarter goals

goal-setting-picIf you type ‘SMART goals’ into a google search you’ll come up with nearly 17,000,000 hits.
‘SMART’ represents a set criteria to help you evaluate your goals. Goal setters are asked to consider ‘Is your goal specific? Measurable? Attainable? Realistic? and timely (has a deadline)?
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely
Personal development gurus and teachers […]