My digital diet: How I created more time and regained control of my brain

My digital diet
The average person spends 16 minutes on Facebook every time they login.
The Yellow Social Media Report 2018 states:
Multiplying average time spent by average usage occasions indicates that the typical user is spending almost 10 hours a week on Facebook.
10 hours a week!
Do that for an entire year? That’s 520 hours (nearly 22 days) of your life.
Now stop and ask yourself this question:
Is this time well spent?
Probably not.
As a new years resolution, I […]

Take back your power Amish style

Do you feel in control of technology? Or is technology in control of you?
If you’ve ever had the experience where 5 minutes online turned into several hours, it’s probably a sign that you’re not in control.
And why should we bother to be more disciplined about our screen time?
Well for starters, e-obesity is on the rise. As Daniel Seiberg states in his book “The digital diet: The 4-step plan […]