The Procrastination Emergency Kit is a box of 25 prompt cards to propel you into action.

This deck of cards helps you get started with whatever you need to do. Each prompt card contains a quick and easy strategy to combat procrastination and cultivate healthy work habits.

Regular use of these cards will reduce your stress levels and dramatically improve your productivity and wellbeing.

Procrastination emergencies include:

  • “I’m not motivated to start”
  • “I’m not in the mood to start”
  • “I don’t know where to start”
  • “This is boring. I don’t want to do it”
  • “I have too much to do. Where do I start?”
  • “I’m too tired to do this”
  • “I want to bake/play games/watch cat videos [do anything besides your work]”
  • “I’m just a lazy person”
  • “I can’t focus”
  • When you’re procrastinating the last thing you want to do is spend hours watching videos and reading books on how to stop procrastinating.

    What you need are practical strategies that you can use immediately to help you shift from procrastination to action.

    The Procrastination Emergency Kit gives you 25 highly effective strategies to help you start and finish what you need to do.

    How to use the kit

    1. Carry this deck of cards in your bag or pocket.
    2. Whenever you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated and/or overwhelmed, grab your deck of cards and shuffle them.
    3. Pick a card, any card.
    4. Here’s the important part: do what it says, even if you don’t feel in the mood to do it.

    26 cards with box / 120mm x 85mm / Full Colour with Gloss Laminate for Durability

    Weight 0.105 kg
    Dimensions 12.2 × 17.2 × 2 cm


    1. Adam Mullett

      I got my team a box of the procrastination emergency cards and they love them – they are both useful and fun. Whenever there is a pressing deadline or when we have been pushed past the optimal point on the stress/productivity curve, the cards give us a shortcut to getting on with it and completing tasks on time.

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